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Three Blastcaps in close proximity to each other

Damages by


Threat Capacity

Non-hostile, damaging

Natural Habitat(s)

The Blastcap is a creature native to Tallon IV. Blastcaps are weeds that often grow in small clusters and will rattle in warning when anything approaches. The fungal cap, which is filled with toxins, will detonate if Samus comes in contact with it, or if she fires upon it repeatedly. The resulting explosion and venomous fumes will cause damage. Even the flesh of the weed itself is poisonous, keeping it from being eaten by indigenous lifeforms.

Blastcaps vary in size and thrive in moist areas like Tallon Overworld, but are versatile enough to survive in drier conditions like those of Chozo Ruins.

Blastcaps are also found on Alinos and Arcterra, propagated throughout the galaxy from their planet of origin by solar winds.

Logbook[edit | edit source]

Logbook entry from Metroid Prime: Blastcap
First Location: Tallon Overworld - Tallon Canyon
Volatile chemicals within this weed'​s toxic fungal cap may explode if agitated.​ ​The poisonous flesh of the Blastcap helps keep it from being eaten.​ It also detonates its fungal cap when it senses even slight contact.[1]
Logbook entry from Metroid Prime Hunters: Blastcap
First Location: Alinos - High Ground
A large mushroom that explodes on contact, emitting noxious gas. Originating on Tallon IV, its spores can survive without atmosphere and have propagated throughout the galaxy on solar winds.[2]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Blastcaps in action.

References[edit source]

  1. "Volatile chemicals within this weed'​s toxic fungal cap may explode if agitated.​ ​The poisonous flesh of the Blastcap helps keep it from being eaten.​ It also detonates its fungal cap when it senses even slight contact." —Metroid Prime Logbook "Blastcap" (Metroid Prime)
  2. "A large mushroom that explodes on contact, emitting noxious gas. Originating on Tallon IV, its spores can survive without atmosphere and have propagated throughout the galaxy on solar winds." —Metroid Prime Hunters Logbook "Blastcap" (Metroid Prime Hunters)

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ブラストチャブ Blast Chub 

Creatures from Metroid Prime
Frigate OrpheonTallon OverworldChozo RuinsMagmoor CavernsPhendrana DriftsPhazon MinesImpact Crater