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A Cordite sculpture in Chozo Ruins


Metroid Prime

Located in

Super Missiles

Cordite is a durable material used extensively in Chozo architecture in Metroid Prime. Though structures constructed largely of Cordite can withstand bombardment from Beam weaponry, they are weak to powerful concussive blasts, such as those created by Super Missiles.[1]

Found primarily in Chozo settlements on Tallon IV, such as the Phendrana religious sites and the Chozo Ruins, they appear largely decorative but frequently conceal important objects, such as Power Conduits or Runic Symbols.[2] Space Pirates also used Cordite in their Glacier One labs and their mining facilities, and used Cordite and Bendezium to replace steel hatch covers.[3]

Scan Data[edit | edit source]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime (Statue)
Located in: Phendrana Shorelines - Phendrana Drifts

This Cordite statue is worn and weathered.
Scan indicates the presence of a Power Conduit behind the statue.[2]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime (Wall Hanging)
Located in: Sun Tower - Chozo Ruins

This Cordite wall hanging appears to be slightly cracked.[4]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime (Column)
Located in: Research Lab Hydra - Phendrana Drifts

Cordite casing of column appears weak.[5]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime (Door)
Located in: Biohazard Containment - Frigate Orpheon

Cordite door's structural integrity below safety tolerances.[6]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime (Shaft)
Located in: Metroid Quarantine B - Phazon Mines

Numerous fractures present in this Cordite shaft.[7]

Scan Data from Metroid Prime (Terminal)
Located in: Elite Control - Phazon Mines

Replacement of standard hatch covers continues.
Steel covers will be replaced with Cordite and Bendezium covers in two deca-cycles.[3]

Gallery[edit | edit source]


  1. "Samus's Notes:
    Super Missile is a Single Shot Charge Combo. Each shot costs 5 Missiles.
    Super Missiles can destroy objects made of Cordite.
    " —Samus's Notes (Metroid Prime)
  2. 2.0 2.1 "This Cordite statue is worn and weathered.
    Scan indicates the presence of a Power Conduit behind the statue.
    " —Scan Data (Metroid Prime)
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Replacement of standard hatch covers continues.
    Steel covers will be replaced with Cordite and Bendezium covers in two deca-cycles.
    " —Scan Data (Metroid Prime)
  4. "This Cordite wall hanging appears to be slightly cracked." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime)
  5. "Cordite casing of column appears weak." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime)
  6. "Cordite door's structural integrity below safety tolerances." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime)
  7. "Numerous fractures present in this Cordite shaft." —Scan Data (Metroid Prime)