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Metroid Fusion

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Metroid Fusion
Metroid Fusion

Metroid Fusion North American Cover Art

Publisher Nintendo
Developer(s) Nintendo
Platform(s) Game Boy Advance
Genre Action Adventure
Ratings ESRB: E[1]
USK: 6
OFLC: G 8+[1]
Modes Single-player
Media Game Boy Advance cartridge
Input D-pad, face buttons

Metroid Fusion, also known as Metroid 4/Metroid IV, is the fourth game in the Metroid series. It was released for the Game Boy Advance in 2002. In the Metroid timeline, Metroid Fusion is currently the last game, following the events of Metroid: Other M, which is yet to be released.



Shortly after the events of Super Metroid, Samus had been assigned to protect biologic researchers on a mission on the surface of the planet SR-388, the former home of the now extinct Metroids. While exploring the underground, Samus was attacked by a local creature. After exploding, the creature sprouted an unknown gelatinous yellow life-form that was immune to Samus's Missiles. It was absorbed into her Power Suit. The life-form would later turn out to be the parasitic X virus. On her way back to the Biologic Space Labs, the X virus took control of Samus's central nervous system, and she became unconscious. Uncontrolled, her Gunship crashed into an asteroid in a nearby asteroid belt. The ship's automatic security system ejected the escape pod before the impact, and Samus was later found by Biologic's vessel.

Samus was brought for instant treatment to the Galactic Federation HQ. During the transport, the X virus multiplied in Samus's body and corrupted large parts of her Power Suit. Because of the X infestation, the organic parts of the Power Suit became so integrated into Samus's own system that they could not be removed while she was unconcious. The Power Suit had to be taken apart surgically, altering its appearance so that it now has been dubbed the Fusion Suit, but the X in Samus's nervous system still provided an immediate threat for her survival. However, she could finally be cured with an anti-X vaccine made out of Metroid cells. The cells came from a last remaining cell culture that had been preserved from the last Infant Metroid (seen in Super Metroid). The vaccine destroyed all X viruses after it had been injected into Samus's body, saving her life. The vaccine also made her permanently immune to X virus effects. In addition, Samus gained the ability to absorb X-Parasites, using their energy to replenish her health and weapons.

The investigations on B.S.L.

After being cured, Samus returned to Biologic Space Labs, where the remaining creatures found on the expedition on SR-388, as well as the infested part of the Power Suit, had been sent. There had been an unexplained explosion on the station, and Samus was sent to investigate the situation on deck. During her missions on B.S.L,, she was guided by the computer on her new ship, which she named Adam, in honor of her previous commanding officer, Adam Malkovich.

Samus discovers that the staff of B.S.L. had been killed, and most of the creatures that were under research in the separate sectors had been infected, killed, and then mimicked by X-Parasites. Under orders to exterminate the X as quickly as possible, Samus dowloads the Missile data for that purpose in the Data Room on the Operations Deck. Before she can make her way back to the Main Deck, an electrical interference disables the elevators. Samus escapes from the Operations Decks via the air vents, but comes across a Core-X that gives her the Morph Ball ability.

Adam detects that the X have infested the breeding habitats of the species in Sector 1 (SRX) and orders Samus to go there. She takes the elevator from the main deck to the sector, but it gets damaged immediately afterwards by the SA-X, an X that is composed of Samus's infected Power Suit components.

Initial sector missions

Being stuck, Samus sets out to take care of the problems found in Sector 1. Adam notes that the X have invaded the atmospheric stabilizers that are responsible for simulating the climate of SR-388 in the sector. The X are apparently trying to alter the environment for their own needs. Samus clears all five stabilizers. On her way, she comes across a Core-X mimicing a Chozo Statue as seen in earlier Metroid games, giving her the Charge Beam.

Samus is then ordered to Sector 2 (TRO) by Adam, who has also now identified the SA-X is the cause for the X outbreak in B.S.L.. The Metroid vaccine has made Samus vulnerable to the Ice Beam, and as the SA-X is currently holding the Ice Beam, Adam informs Samus to run away from it at first sight. In Sector 2, Samus is supposed to download Bomb data from the Data Room there, as the Operations Deck is unreachable due to the elevator problem. The Data Room in Sector 2 is sealed with a Level 1 hatch. In order to open the hatch, Samus has to find the Security Room to release the lock for Level 1. On her way out of the Data Room, she finds the door being destroyed and the hallway blocked.

[[Samus Aran|Samus] excapes through uncharted areas of Sector 2, and comes across a Core-X on the way, which gives her the Hi-Jump and Jumpball abilities. As Samus returns to a Navigation Room to talk to Adam, he notes that the released lock allowed the SA-X to invade Sector 4 (AQA) with several thousand X-Parasites. Adam warns Samus of Serris, a creature habitating in Sector 4 that can move and attack at ultra-high speed. Since being released by the SA-X, Serris has destroyed large parts of the Sector and broken cables caused by the destruction electrocute the water in it.



As it turned out, most of all specimen that had been brought to B.S.L. for research purposes have been infected by X-Parasites. They multiply quickly and kill the host creature, also absorbing its DNA and can even use it to mimic the host. These have the same abilities as the original creature. Destroying the mimiced creature will set the X-Parasite free. As the only predator of the X are the Metroids, the vaccine inserted into Samus has made her invulnerable to X effects. She also can now absorb the X that have no host. Absorbing X replenishes Samus's health and weapon power. It can also give her back some of her latent abilities that have not been functioning since her Power Suit has been taken off. When the virus is not absorbed, it will begin to mimic a creature again.

Types of X-Parasites include:


