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User talk:Nathanial Rumphol-Janc

From Metroid Wiki

Latest comment: 21 March 2010 by Captain Cornflake in topic SEO and Fair Play

Hello, I know you are looking for more staff... so, considering how I have no idea how else to put this, would you look into promoting me? I do have an email/msn ( if you want to know more about me and my motives. I apologize if this comes off as power-seeking, and I understand if I am not promoted. Turboo 07:06, 11 February 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hey I added you to msn to talk a bit more. Without talking to you, all I can suggest is you continue to make solid contributions and edits, and we may consider you for a patrol role. Continue to make lots of good edits and we'll talk about giving you more responsibility. In short, earn your way in. :) Nathanial Rumphol-Janc 06:37, 12 February 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Yeah man. It's great to see a resource like this. :D I've been trying to make a sheet like that for Echoes, but the file format is different, and half the text gets decoded as "^%3'sdfs'dfksdgfvj}"sworij43903" or something. I haven't figured out why. O_o 2257(t) 20:47, 15 February 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]


I am an administrator on Wikitroid have just been informed that you used to copy text from Wikitroid, which as you know has been around much longer than this wiki. If you are not the main admin of this wiki, then I DEMAND TO SPEAK TO THE REAL ONE. You said you intend to be independant from Wikia, yet you seem to be very similar, such as the tabs up at the top when editing a page, which wasn't too hard to notice. Block me if you will, but us Wikitroid users already know, and if you do block me, I'll keep coming back. When you launched, I didn't trust you to begin with. I knew you would probably copy from us, and whaddaya know, you did. So I suggest you fix it up or I'll report it to your internet browser. --RoyboyX 00:32, 18 February 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

This looks like a joke..... EVen Wikipedia has those tabs, if you haven't seen. And no content is being copied, show us copied content. Report to internet browser? wow --Tucayo 02:33, 18 February 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Wikitroid admins are so intelligible. Garlic Man 03:03, 18 February 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Do pardon the Wikitroid admin above. It would appear that some are aggravated by learning of the certain happenstances on this wiki, which I believe you know well about, NRJ. I do apologize on behalf of Wikitroid for any trouble this may have caused you. Thanks, RAN1 03:14, 18 February 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Ah it's no trouble at all. I actually, to be honest, found it quite funny. Claiming we are copying them over the interface to which all wiki's use? Talking about copying content when it pertained to one page and it was already fixed? Report us to our internet browser? I mean, I can't even start to take him seriously. In either case, this wasn't an issue. Not sure why you guys keep insisting to find something wrong with us. We aren't infringing on anyone's rights or even so much as copy pasting. I'm cool if you're cool. Nathanial Rumphol-Janc 03:33, 18 February 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]
We're not "insisting" anything; we're just trying to resolve this as best we can. I would gladly appreciate it if you guys wouldn't do anything to enflame the situation. Again, I'm sorry for the minor squabble. Thanks, RAN1 04:43, 18 February 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

RE: Wikitroid Paraphrasing

I've made sure I've looked at all your policies before I started editing here, (hence the large absence of edits between my account creation and now). So to be honest I'm not sure why you are (or appear to be) directing it at me :/ , But either way I'm glad to be here :). This is one of the better wikis I've seen in my days to be honest, just needs a bit of factual improvement, but thats's what I'm here for. Thanks! --Dr. Polarbear 07:12, 19 March 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

SEO and Fair Play

You know, a little while back, you assured us that you would follow a 'fair play' doctrine when writing this wiki, basing it on the quality of the content. However, now it seems you are experimenting with 'dirty' SEO on your Main Page, such as flooding keywords or spamming links. When you assured us you would play fair, we chose to accept that and your competition. However, if you choose to play dirty, we reserve ourselves the right to respond accordingly. Do like we do, and base your popularity on your wiki's content, not on spammed links or floods of keywords. Play fair, and we'll play fair. Play dirty, and we'll play dirty. As such, consider yourself warned. RAN1 16:44, 20 March 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Linking to game pages and key pages from the main index isn't dirty or underhanded. Most wiki's link to their prominent content and game stuff on the front. At wikitroid, you guys do the same thing under the top content section/game nav on the left. Unfortunately MediaWiki doesn't support such a navigation. I am sorry you feel this is "dirty" or something, but your saying "do like we do and base yourself on your content". We are basing ourselves on our content... like every other site. Zelda Informer (my other site) does the same thing... and so do most fan sites. It's not dirty, it's highlighting top content, just like you guys do in your navigation. I apologize you disagree with this but lol. One paragraph and your making SEO threats? Really? Why do you guys continually appear to be butt hurt with anything we do? You do your thing, we'll do ours. Nathanial Rumphol-Janc 20:00, 20 March 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Yeah, that's how the Cold War almost turned into a global nuclear genocide. Everyone's stockpiling and pointing nukes at each other, so we should too! RAN1 01:35, 21 March 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]
How is highlighting the content of ones site "playing dirty?" Please explain this to me. As somebody who works for an SEO company, there are two types of SEO: black hat and white hat. Black hat SEO is the dirty stuff: Spamming and misleading spiders and gaming the algorithms. White hat SEO, on the other hand, is merely optimizing your content in an honest way to ensure that search spiders can properly crawl your site: Linking to internal pages and using accurate keywords that summarize your content. --Captain Cornflake 02:48, 21 March 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Let me put it like this, nice and clear: it's dirty in terms of how you promised fairness in your competition. The point of a wiki is to provide information in the form of content on a specific topic(s), in a polished and complete form, and then advertise such content on the Main Page. However, after reading what you guys have said yourself, it becomes quite clear to us that you only want to boost your Google search ratings by "highlighting" stubs using Metroid keywords webcrawlers search for. Additionally, Captain Cornflake happened to paraphrase our Metroid: Zero Mission article while setting up the SEO paragraph, and that does not sound like a coincidence to me. So it isn't fair play as far as we're concerned, and unless you really think that what you said at ZI there is a complete lie, and that you didn't paraphrase our article (which you happen to admit here), please explain to me how that doesn't constitute trying to use SEO in the fashion I've talked about. Captain Cornflake, I'm not going to even bother with your last statement. I would have brought that up in a report to Google in such a case if I really wanted to, and as you can see, that's not even my point. If you'd like to join this discussion, keep it on-topic, please.
Now, like I said, if you decide to play fair, and not attempt to use SEO in lieu of actually creating the content yourself, we won't even bother with Metroid Wiki about this particular topic. However, if you don't play fair, and instead try to "cheat" by abusing keywords, "stealing" our articles, and other dirty SEO tactics, let it be known that we will do what we will as we see fit. RAN1